North Korea President Age

Kim Jong-Un: A Decade at the Helm of North Korea

Birth and Family

Kim Jong-Un was born on January 8, 1983, in Pyongyang, North Korea. His father, Kim Jong-Il, was the Supreme Leader of North Korea from 1994 to 2011. His mother, Ko Young-hee, was an opera singer. Kim Jong-Un is the youngest of three children.

Rise to Power

Kim Jong-Un was appointed as the heir apparent to his father in 2010. In December 2011, Kim Jong-Il died from a heart attack, and Kim Jong-Un succeeded him as Supreme Leader. He immediately began consolidating his power, purging high-ranking officials seen as threats to his rule.

Policies and Leadership

Kim Jong-Un's policies have focused on strengthening the military, developing the economy, and improving relations with foreign countries. He has conducted numerous nuclear and missile tests, and has been accused of human rights abuses. However, he has also initiated economic reforms and has met with foreign leaders, including former US presidents Donald Trump and Moon Jae-in.

International Relations

Kim Jong-Un's relationship with the international community has been complex. He has faced sanctions and condemnation for his nuclear and missile programs. However, he has also held talks with leaders from South Korea, Russia, and China. The future of North Korea's international relations under Kim Jong-Un remains uncertain.

10 Years as Supreme Leader

Kim Jong-Un has marked 10 years as the Supreme Leader of North Korea. During this time, he has consolidated his power, expanded the country's nuclear arsenal, and initiated economic reforms. The world continues to watch closely as he guides North Korea through a period of uncertainty and change.

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