Covid 19 Antigen Detection Kit Nasal Swab Newgene

NEWGENE COVID-19 Antigen Detection Kit: A Comprehensive Guide

What is the New Gene Covid-19 Antigen Detection Kit?

The New Gene Covid-19 Antigen Detection Kit is a rapid antigen test used to identify the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. It is a lateral flow immunoassay intended for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein antigen in nasal swab specimens from individuals suspected of COVID-19.

Benefits of Using the New Gene Covid-19 Antigen Detection Kit:

  • Rapid results: Provides results within 15-30 minutes.
  • High accuracy: Sensitivity of 98.2% and specificity of 99.2%.
  • Easy to use: Can be performed by trained healthcare professionals or individuals at home.
  • Affordable: Cost-effective compared to other COVID-19 testing methods.

How to Use the New Gene Covid-19 Antigen Detection Kit:

The test kit comes with detailed instructions for use. It involves the following steps:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Collect the nasal swab specimen according to the provided instructions. 2. Place the swab into the extraction tube containing the buffer solution. 3. Squeeze the extraction tube to release the buffer solution onto the test cassette. 4. Wait for 15-30 minutes for the results to appear. 5. Interpret the results according to the color of the lines on the test cassette.

Interpretation of Results:

The test cassette has two lines: a control line (C) and a test line (T). A positive result is indicated by the presence of two colored lines, one in the control region (C) and one in the test region (T). A negative result is indicated by the presence of only one colored line in the control region (C). An invalid result occurs when no colored line appears in the control region (C).

Limitations of the New Gene Covid-19 Antigen Detection Kit:

While the New Gene Covid-19 Antigen Detection Kit is a valuable tool for COVID-19 testing, it has some limitations:

  • Not as sensitive as PCR tests: False negatives may occur, especially in the early stages of infection.
  • Results may be affected by improper sample collection or testing procedures.
  • Positive results do not necessarily indicate infectiousness.

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