Joe Rogans Netflix Special Burn The Boats

Joe Rogan's Netflix Special: "Burn the Boats"

Subheadline: Provocative Jokes and Decades-Late Humor

News Lead: Controversial comedian Joe Rogan will release a new comedy special on Netflix, titled "Burn the Boats," which will be streamed live from the Majestic Theater in San Antonio, Texas. The special will include jokes that have been criticized as being decades too late and potentially offensive.

Details and Background

Rogan, known for his highly charged podcast, has gained notoriety for his outspoken views and often-provocative statements. His upcoming Netflix special, scheduled for release on August 3, has sparked discussions about the appropriateness of his jokes and the potential for them to alienate viewers.

Critics have pointed out that some of Rogan's jokes, particularly those related to race and gender, are outdated and insensitive. They argue that the special may not resonate with modern audiences who are more accustomed to progressive and inclusive humor.

Streaming Information

Despite the controversy, "Burn the Boats" is expected to attract a large audience due to Rogan's significant following. It will stream live on Netflix from 7pm PT / 10pm ET or 3am, depending on your location.

Additional Highlights

The special is expected to feature a wide range of topics, including Rogan's experiences with marijuana, his thoughts on current events, and his interactions with other celebrities. It is unclear whether Rogan will address the criticism surrounding his jokes during the performance.

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